Chris White is joined by Rory McNamara and Dan Welling to stuff the Federation's turkey in November 1999.
In amongst the innards and giblets they find:
Vince McMahon Isn't Bad. He Is Just Misunderstood. And has Poor Motor Skills
Boss Man Joins Hallmark
The Chair Shots! They Do Something!
Survivor Series 1999 Review + Steve Austin Hit By A Vehicle.
Hunter Doesn't Have To Hold His Peace.
Rory McNamara is joined by Erick Landstrom and Chris Lacey(!) for Vince Russo's first full month at the helm in WCW....Topics of discussion include:
It's ONLY The Misfits (sorry)!
Kevin Nash Dicks Around A Bit.
By Gawd, Oklahoma SUCKS
Mayhem 1999 Review
Vince Russo And His Hand Do A Lot...
Starrcade 1999 Preview
Lacey and James Yull are back to discuss November To Remember, plus the months TV. There is also some fantasy booking for the returning Sandman